Dark Comedy for Charity with Dimitri Bakanov

15.12.2022 – 06:30PM | THE SOCIAL HUB – NORDBAHNSTRASSE 47, 1020 WIEN

London-based Comedian Dimitri Bakanov had the crowd laughing with his charmingly dark humor at the comedy club. His honesty, sharp wit, and dark humor had the audience in stitches.

Dimitri’s talent was evident from his early days in comedy, having reached the finals of both the Leicester Square Theatre New Act competition and the Laughing Horse New Act competition in his first year. He also made a mark at the prestigious AAA Late Show at the 2017 Edinburgh Fringe Festival and has performed all over the world, from Bangkok to Beijing, Hong Kong to Moscow, Copenhagen to Oslo, and Dublin.

He was supported by the talented Dark Zsolt Roznai, bittersweet Coco, and quirky Balint Villei from Vienna. The night was hosted by the charming Madame Kat Saito.

The event was a great success, not only in providing an evening of laughter but also in raising funds for important causes such as Highway to Help (helping Ukrainian refugees), women in need (Helpline for women suffering from sexual abuse), and Karla’s furry friends (rescuing dogs and cats in Serbia).